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Airplane Taking Off at Sunset

Ted's Last Flight West

1952 - 2023

After a successful 38-year career in the aviation industry, Ted spent his retirement years with his wife Mary on Maui, Hawai'i. He loved what the island had to offer, from paddling (and captaining!) traditional Hawai'ian outrigger canoes, hiking in the tropical rainforests, to spoiling his then-puppy Golden Retriever Koa like there was no tomorrow. He wholeheartedly took in the spirit of aloha and loved every moment of being a part of the Maui ohana (family). 

Once a captain, always a captain. Ted took his last flight west on November 13, 2023 in Minnesota. He is survived by his wife Mary, his siblings and relative, and a countless number of friends whom he considered his family.

Click the buttons below to remember Ted at different stages of his life, including getting updates on the ash ceremony and joining the community forum.

Ted Sierad
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